
Every End Is a New Beginning

As the temperature drop, and the holidays season approach, this semester is slowly coming to an end- and the class that have launched this blog and crazy journey, Strategic Presentation, is about to be over. I wanted to dedicate this blog post to reflect on that class and talk about all the important things and skills I have acquired from it throughout the semester 🙂


Life On Dnd

My family and I have moved to America five years ago, when I was a 15 years old. And if one day a genie would grand me 3 wishes, the first one would defiantly to go back in time and fix my relocation experience. I was (and sadly still am) a very stubborn kid, and when my parents cheerfully announced we are going to move to New Jersey after I graduate middle school I did NOT take it well. I was furious, and could not imagine leaving my family, friends and beautiful country; so as the most “logical” solution (for my 15 years old questionable and rebellion brain), like every average teenage, I decided to fight my parents and protest- I decided I am not going to speak to anyone in my new school, a thing that I regret so much these days.


Having Fun On A Budget

Hello everyone! If this is not your first time reading my blog, you already know that my posts evolve around self growth, positivity and the journey to become the best version of yourself. I have reached a new mile stone in my own journey and have a special announcement this week: I HAVE OFFICIALLY STARTED MT FIRST PODCAST! My podcast’s name is Having Fun On A Budget: The Complete Guidance For Broke College Students and all it talks about is fun activities you can do on your free time that wouldn’t hurt your wallet! (although the name implies otherwise, anyone who is looking for fun budget friendly activity is welcomed to join this journey, not only college students). This is a topic that is very important to me due to the high stress levels that living under a strict budget can cause, that is why I chose to share with you fun, destress and budget friendly activities to help relief that stress! Please join me in my podcast journey and see the lovely, mostly costless activities you can incorporate in your free time!